SUMED – Sustainable multidimensional media
The main objective of the project is to educate about ecology, good practices and digital solutions in the higher education sector and in the labour market. To transfer the knowledge of these solutions from specialists at four European universities to teachers so that they can start implementing and developing them at their universities.
The focus is on sustainable, green and digital solutions inspired/derived from businesses or universities already working in these streams (workshops, learning environment, new excellence for teachers, learning materials). To do so, we will carry out a needs survey based on interviews with companies and NGOs, so that the solutions created are best suited to the current market situation.
These solutions cover many aspects. When we talk about ecology and green solutions, we mean directing the mode of work in such a way that it takes place efficiently, with minimum expenditure of resources and time needed to achieve the assumed objective. An example of such a solution is limiting fieldwork (which requires additional time, travelling, generating a carbon footprint) when it is possible to introduce solutions enabling stationary work.
Another problem that our project addresses is the ever-changing world of new technologies and the consequences that follow. The pace of change means that the knowledge about them quickly becomes outdated. Instead, we want to provide students (and therefore future employees) with soft skills that enable them to quickly adapt to the changing environment. We would also like to help them face the challenges that come with the development of civilisation. Our purpose is to promote a work environment in which burnout does not occur and where psychological well-being is important.
The result of the project will be a new teaching methodology in the field of media education and creation of new initiatives and implementation of practices supporting sustainable development. In addition, each university will create a curriculum focusing on the transfer of this knowledge to students.
Partners in SUMED:
Innocamp PL, Poland – leader
Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland
University of Malta, Malta
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
The program assumes the eco-systemic approach to changemaking starting with the inner-developmental work, service leadership skills (personal design) leading to multistakeholder collaborations, empathy-based co-designing and piloting innovative solutions (project design) to making them sustainable and reaching policy level (ecosystem).
In module 1, the participants were invited on a self-development journey to critically analyze their resources for changemaking in the context of city regeneration and their role within the Future DiverCities pilots and other project phases. They were recommended to do some reading, reflect on their own past experiences, and (re)design themselves as changemakers. In real-time meetings, they looked at some case studies of selected ASHOKA fellows, interviewed each other, got feedback on their strengths, solved sample divergent problems to explore situations of uncertainty, recorded their learnings in multiple roles, and received feedback based on their electronic portfolios.
In module 2 the participants will be presented with resources for changemaking in the context of city regeneration and their potential applications within the Future Divercities pilots and other project phases. They will be recommended to do some reading, reflect on their own past experiences and develop innovative strategies for their projects implementation. In real time meetings they will do some case-study of regenerative transformations, create maps of their multiple stakeholders, get feedback on their strategies, record their learnings and receive feedback based on their project electronic portfolios
“Future DiverCities”
Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego pochodzących z Funduszu Promocji Kultury – państwowego funduszu celowego.

This project is part of the Erasmus Plus program
For the SUMED project updates please follow us and our partners on social media, in particular official SUMED social media:
SUMED-booklet1 revised
For the past activities: